Citywide Acts of Kindness: Local organizations unite to give thanks and give back

This holiday, local organizations across the city are giving thanks and giving back.

On Thursday, volunteers were putting others before themselves to make the holiday brighter for those in need.

"When God puts you in a position to bless others, that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do, so that’s what I’m doing here today," said Felicia Hawkins, founder of A Better Way Better Life Foundation.

The holiday brought friends, family members and strangers to one table – to share in being together and supporting each other.

In the city's Austin neighborhood, a Thanksgiving meal – with all the fixings – was warming hearts this holiday.

"It makes me feel like it’s still good people in this world to bless others," said DeAndre Sims, a volunteer.

Sims is one of many volunteers who put his plans aside to help Hawkins with her first-ever meal giveaway for A Better Way Better Life Foundation.

"It meant a lot to my spirit to see new faces and different characters in here," said Sims.

There was no denying the food was made with love – over days of prep and hours in the oven.

"I wanted them to eat like how I would eat today," said Hawkins. "I was brought up on love, and a mother and a father, and a lot of people don’t have that nowadays so that’s the mission I’m trying to bring back in today’s society."

A community connecting – and inspiring one another.

"We are thinking that we are putting a smile on their face, whole time we are actually doing each other a favor," said Sims.

Meantime, in Garfield Park, one of the Salvation Army's Mobile Outreach teams was feeding those in need at Madison Street and Albany Avenue.

"To do a service for the community, that’s what we do for the Salvation Army," said Warren, a counselor with the organization.

For some, it marks their first Thanksgiving, and the nonprofit is welcoming new arrivals with open arms.

This week, traditional Venezuelan meals were served to migrants. On Thanksgiving, turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and more were hot and ready to go!

This holiday, the Salvation Army served 1,400 pounds of turkey, 350 pounds of sweet potatoes and 270 pounds of green beans – making certain that anyone who may not know where their next meal is coming from, could enjoy the holiday. 

"And just giving thanks, and saying to people, ‘I love you and have a blessed day.’ I’ve been doing that for years and I’m not giving that up yet," said Warren.

To support the Salvation Army’s mission this holiday season, click here.
