Fire engulfs home in northwest suburban Lakemoor

A fire ripped through a family’s home in northwest suburban Lakemoor Tuesday afternoon.

Around 2:30 p.m., the Fox Lake Fire Protection District responded to the 32000 block of North Rushmore for the blaze.

Crews on scene found flames and heavy black smoke pouring out of the multifamily two-story unit.


Video from scene shows extensive damage to the home. According to reports, the fire started in the garage and several explosions could be heard. The Fox Lake Fire Protection District Deputy Fire Chief Ed Lescher says those pops were most likely the resident’s car’s tires exploding as they caught fire.

Lescher says the fire most likely started in the garage and does not appear to be suspicious.

"It was big concern with this spreading with it being in the multifamily unit. They're all connected together," said Lescher on scene. "The firewall held it. It did not extend it to the other unit. There was some minor smoke damage and there was some water damage in the other unit, but nothing significant."

It took crews 40 minutes to extinguish the flames and the only injury was the woman inside the home at the time the fire started. The mom of two teenage girls suffered some minor smoke inhalation, but was treated on scene.

Nearly three hours after the fire started, there was a moment of relief for the family when their cat was rescued.

Neighbors rushed to the family’s side, helping them with replacing necessities and gathering salvageable items from inside the home.

"It’s a tough family and they are going to be ok, and this community will continue to surround them," said neighbor Donna Jean Osborne, who is part of a group that plans to fundraise to help the family get back on their feet.

Fox LakeNews