Political bombshell: Ald. Solis was mole in FBI investigation of Ald. Burke

A political bombshell occurred at City Hall Wednesday as the Sun-Times revealed longtime Ald. Danny Solis wore a wire as part of the FBI’s corruption investigation into Ald. Ed Burke.

The two were close political allies, and many are now wondering just how far the federal investigation will go.

Despite the federal heat, Ald. Ed Burke, 14th Ward says he's not sweating.

"I've done nothing wrong,” said. Ald. Burke. “And anything that Ald. Solis recorded -- if he did -- isn't going to make any difference."

The Sun-Times is reporting longtime 25th Ward Ald. Danny Solis, Chairman of the Zoning Committee, secretly recorded more than a dozen conversations with Burke over the past two years, prompting speculation the feds nailed Solis first.

"Normally the sense is when somebody is wearing a wire, it's because they themselves have done something,” said Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, 35th Ward. “And in order to get a more lenient sentence or get off the hook, they then work with the FBI."

In November, FBI agents raided Burke's Ward and City Hall offices. The feds later charged Burke with trying to shake down a Burger King owner and funnel business to Burke's law firm.

Solis heads the City Council's Hispanic Caucus and announced last fall he would not be running for re-election.

"Him being compromised and then letting down his community is disappointing,” said Ald. Gilbert Villegas, 36th Ward.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel is calling for more ethics reforms.

"This is a wakeup call to everybody that our work on these changes is not done,” said Mayor Emanuel. “People are tired of politics as usual."

Ald. Solis was not at Wednesday’s City Council meeting. And his office on the third floor of City Hall, the Zoning Committee Office, the door is locked, the lights are turned off and there's a pile of mail on the floor."

One of the candidates looking to replace Solis says he needs to go now.

"Ald. Danny Solis cannot effectively represent the interests of the 25th Ward and must resign immediately,” said Hilario Dominguez, 25th Ward aldermanic candidate. 

As for Ald. Burke?

"I'm not only going to stay in the race, but I’m going to win,” said Ald. Burke.