Batavia man charged with possessing, sharing child porn

David Newtoff | Kane County State's Attorney's Office

A Batavia man has been charged with allegedly sharing images and videos of children being sexually abused.

The Kane County State's Attorney's Office charged 29-year-old David Newtoff with 20 counts of reproducing child pornography and 20 counts of possessing child pornography.

Newtoff possessed and disseminated several images and videos of children being sexually abused between July 2022 to November 2022, officials said.


Newtoff turned himself in to sheriff's deputies on Nov. 18 and was released after posting 10 percent of his $100,000 bail, officials said.

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The Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office’s Child Exploitation Unit and the Chicago Field Office of Homeland Security Investigations of the Department of 
Homeland Security contributed to the investigation.

Newtoff is scheduled to appear in court Dec. 5.