'Cheap bridezilla': Exasperated woman reveals she's reached her 'limit' on a friend's wedding

An exasperated individual took to the "Wedding Shaming" Reddit community to disclose her story of an upcoming wedding that she may or may not be taking part in this fall as a "close friend" prepares to get married.

"I am a bridesmaid for a close friend of mine," the woman said.

"She is definitely a good person, but I am now seeing a different side of her," wrote the user named "arncat91," who titled her post, "Cheap bridezilla — I regret agreeing to be in this wedding."

By way of context, the bridesmaid also wrote, "She definitely put pressure on her fiancé to propose when he was still getting his bachelor's [degree]. It got close to ultimatum level, but he did once he graduated."

She added as well, "Bride is religious, and is doing things somewhat traditional and is waiting to live together until they are married. Her parents are wealthy as well — which is also what is ticking me off for this wedding," wrote the friend.

"Had I known I was expected to pay for this much," she went on in the public forum, "I would have declined being a bridesmaid. However, the bride was not transparent about the costs."

She said, "The bachelorette weekend alone cost $1K," according to "arncat91."

"We also have to pay for the catering for her bridal shower, as well as a gift."

"I accepted that, as we are in an expensive state," she noted (she did not say which state).

For the wedding day itself, the woman went on, the bride "dropped the bomb today that she wants a professional makeup artist and hair stylist to do our makeup the day of [the wedding]."

This will cost "$300 total," wrote the friend.

She said, "I am at my limit for spending and she said if I do my own makeup I have to practice and send a picture for approval. The hairstyle she wants [us] all to have will NOT work on my hair," added the friend, as "it’s too short."

The friend continued, "I sent her a pic of how my hair isn’t long enough with my face framing — and asked if I can do a low bun with pieces down in the front."

She said the bride-to-be replied, "I will see if anyone else is OK with that because it will throw off the uniform look."

Added the woman on Reddit, "And we are not even wearing the same dress."

Oh — and "what else?" said the woman. "No ‘plus-ones’ and it's BYOB."

Said the woman to others on social media, "Had I known she was going to be a mild bridezilla, I would have politely declined and happily attended as a guest."

In a later edit, the woman added, "Thanks for all the support, everyone! Holy upvotes! I’m glad that other people see my thinking on this and I am right to be frustrated."

She also noted, "If I have to pay for the professional makeup and hair [instead of doing] my own makeup, I will be dropping out."

When "all is said and done," added the frustrated bridesmaid, "the total I will be spending on this wedding is $2K."  


The post, as of time of publication, has received over 650 reactions and over 140 comments.

"Unless you are desperate for friendship, I think you need to delete this woman's number and forget she exists."

Fox News Digital reached out to a New York City-based psychologist for input, and also attempted to reach the original poster.

‘The audacity!' Wrote one commenter on the platform, "Back out. If you paid for the dress, see if you can return it."

This same commenter added, "Be honest and tell the bride why. Keep in mind that [she] will probably want the bridal party to set up, serve and clean up. Just don’t. You will hate yourself later."

Another person wrote, "Unless you are desperate for friendship, I think you need to delete this woman's number and forget she exists."

Another commenter also held nothing back: "I don't call that mild bridezilla — I call it full-on. I would never agree to a $1K bachelorette, nor would I pay for catering for a bridal shower nor would I pay so much for makeup and hair, and no ‘plus ones’ for the bridal party — the audacity!"

"If she is a real friend, she will understand. If not — stop financing this fake friend!"

Yet another commenter said, "Just say, ‘No, I can’t afford that.’ She is not entitled to your wallet in exchange for her friendship."

The person added, "If she is a real friend, she will understand. If not — stop financing this fake friend!"

Still another commenter had even the bridesmaid — the original poster — reacting to blunt thoughts with smile emojis.

This commenter wrote, "The amount of booze required to make this bearable isn’t possible to bring on your own."

Another person wrote, "Drop out now" — adding, "When you get married she will be too busy to be in your wedding and won’t even attend. So kiss that $2K goodbye, she will never reciprocate."

For more, go to Fox News.