Chicagoland Toys for Tots Motorcyle Parade returns after being sidelined by pandemic

Another great holiday tradition is getting ready to rev up.

The Chicagoland Toys For Tots Motorcycle parade will be held Dec. 5, marking the 44th year of the event.

Last year, the parade was canceled because of COVID-19 concerns.


"With everything going on in the world everyone had a rough year, and we want to make it better" Chicagoland Toys for Tots President George Lester Fortier said in a statement.. "Now that we have the Parade back we hope to help more families than before because we know there is more and more of a need."

The parade starts at 9:30 a.m. at the Dan Ryan Woods, located at 83rd Street and Western Avenue in Chicago.

The parade features thousands of motorcycles carrying toys for those in need.

To participate, every motorcyle rider is required to bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate at either the beginning or end of the parade.

You can help spread the cheer by dropping off a toy at one of the Toys for Tots drop boxes across the city and suburbs, including all Chicago Fire Departments.

For more information, go to
