Cupich meets with priests to discuss child sex abuse scandal

Chicago priests met with Cardinal Cupich at Mundelein seminary Wednesday night about the scandal that has churches in our area reeling.

In the woods, Cardinal Cupich met with priests from all over Illinois at the Mundelein Seminary. The meeting was not mandatory, but a letter was sent out inviting every priest in his diocese to attend.

The cardinal and his priests discussed the current sex scandal plaguing the church. Cardinal Cupich has been accused of turning a blind eye to the abuse under his watch and in a Sun-Times report, he's quoted as saying the scandal is a "distraction" to the church's agenda.

FOX 32 spoke with a survivor who said he was gang raped by priests at Loyola Academy in Wilmette. And his predators were reassigned to different schools. He won a $750k settlement. He says the meeting is, in his words, dumb.

The meeting took place behind closed doors, which is drawing criticism from many, including a local attorney who's represented dozens of victims of sex abuse by Catholic priests. He says they need to be discussing this out in the open.

The Catholic church is not commenting on the meeting. They would only confirm that it is happening and aren't saying what's being discussed. This the day before the pope is calling bishops from all over the world to the Vatican to address the scandal's worldwide impact Thursday.

*An earlier version of this report used the word "henchmen" in reference to priests. This has been updated.