Customs officers seize more than 16,000 counterfeit hoverboards

CHICAGO (STMW) - Chicago customs officers have seized a record amount of counterfeit hoverboards, fakes that could pose serious health and safety hazards, U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced Wednesday.

More than 16,000 hoverboards were seized containing batteries deemed unauthorized, according to a statement from CBP, which also said the boards are marked with fake trademark logos.

The confiscated hoverboards are valued at more than $6 million, according to CBP. The final seizure total is expected to increase in the coming weeks as shipments are still being processed.

“Not only are these hoverboards a serious safety hazard, but they also threaten our economic security by hurting legitimate businesses who invest significant amounts of resources into development and protection of their brands,” William Ferrara, CBP director of field operations, said in the statement.

Hoverboards were some of the holiday season’s most popular gifts, but major safety concerns have surfaced after reports of fires caused by substandard batteries.