Two water main breaks have been repaired in Dixmoor, mayor says

Update (7 p.m., Sunday): 

Both of the water main breaks in Dixmoor have been fixed and water service has been restored, according to Mayor Fitzgerald Roberts.

No boil order was issued during the breaks or repairs.

The mayor says the repairs were finished on Saturday night and hopes no other breaks arise.

"… Hopefully these breaks do not trigger more breaks. We are thankful to the crews who worked into the night to get these repairs down," said Roberts. 


Two water mains breaks were reported in Dixmoor for the first time in over a month Friday night. 

The latest breaks were at 144th Street and Paulina Street and 141st and Wood Street. Village President Fitzgerald Roberts says repairs are underway.

There is no timetable for when the repairs will be completed, and no boil water order has been issued at this time, Roberts said Saturday afternoon.

"We have crews working on the breaks and they are working as fast as they can to get them fixed," Roberts said. "It is our hope these two breaks are isolated incidents. The last thing we need is to trigger another round of multiple water breaks like we had at the beginning of the year. We will be making announcements about any potential boil water orders if it is determined need to issue one. In the meantime, we ask for patience as we work on getting this situation resolved."

Dixmoor has a history of water main issues. Earlier this year a State of Emergency was issued in the village due to several breaks. The last water main break happened in early February. There were a total of 14 breaks beginning on Jan. 22 of this year.
