Donald Trump taunts Cubs' owners after Super PAC disclosure

CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - Last week, Donald Trump called the Pope’s actions "disgraceful." And now, he has a dark warning for the family that owns the Chicago Cubs.

FOX 32’s Political Editor Mike Flannery reports the Ricketts Family is spending millions of dollars to stop Trump from winning the Republican nomination for President. Earlier this year, the Republican side of the Ricketts Family helped raise millions of dollars for Scott Walker for President. But after he flamed out, it wasn't clear which candidate they wanted. However, it's now clear they don't want Donald Trump.

The Ricketts family has given at least $3 million to air ads using Trump's own words to portray him as not truly conservative.

Trump: “This tax would raise approximately $5.7 trillion. In many cases I identify probably more as a Democrat. I hate the concept of guns. I'm not in favor of it.”

Tim Russert: “Why are you joining the Reform Party?”

Trump: “I really believe the Republicans are just too crazy right!”

We knew a Super PAC called "Our Principles" placed those ads. But only over the weekend did campaign finance disclosures reveal family matriarch Marlene Ricketts had given $3 million to the ‘Stop Trump’ effort. Her target was infuriated, misspelling the family name as he tweeted:

"I hear the Rickets family, who own the Chicago Cubs, are secretly spending $'s against me. They better be careful, they have a lot to hide!"

That sounded libelous to one of Trump's most outspoken Illinois critics.

“The attacks he made today on the Ricketts Family, this guy's a complete idiot! And out of control. I hope they sue his pants off for this kind of stuff,” said Former Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party Pat Brady.

A Ricketts family spokesman declined to comment. But a former Mitt Romney adviser who runs the anti-Trump Super PAC, Katie Packer, said more ads are coming.

“I'd like to see a conservative Republican in the White House. But that person is not Donald Trump,” said Katie Packer.

Rejecting that -- as well as the fear of some Illinois Republicans that Trump at the top of the ticket would trigger a Democratic landslide in November -- Trump supporter Doug Ibendahl foresees Republicans down-ballot getting a boost.

“Some of 'em quite frankly probably don't deserve it. But Donald Trump will actually save some of these losing races down ballot,” Ibendahl said.

Republican Gov. Rauner has a lot riding on this year's elections, but told FOX 32 Monday he has no intention of taking sides in his party's presidential campaign.