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Dozens of students at Emory University met with school president Jim Wagner to tell him that they're scared and traumatized by whoever's scribbling "Trump 2016" in chalk on campus property.
They said the words made them feel "frustration," "pain," and "fear."
Wagner responded by writing an open letter to students asking that all points of view be expressed and respected.
The students who were upset by the Trump writings said it threatened their ability to feel like the campus is a safe space.
“I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here], one student told the school newspaper.
Students might be offered "emergency counseling" by the student government association.
Writing on, critic Todd Starnes mocked, "Emory University in Atlanta is under siege at this hour from a chalk-wielding Donald Trump supporter who caused a massive outbreak of micro-aggressions among frightened students. Terrified collegians are hunkered down in their safe spaces."