Family reacts to surveillance video showing moments before Red Line train kills woman

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New questions have surfaced about a woman who was killed when she tried to retrieve her cellphone on the Red Line tracks.

Her family wants to know why someone would post surveillance video of the accident on social media.

As family get together to try to make funeral arrangements for Felon Nicole Smith, their grief is unbearable -- especially after the horrifying images they came across on Facebook.

Her name is Brandy Martin – a self-proclaimed Facebook addict.

'When I roll up out of bed, I say thank you Jesus and I go straight to Facebook,” Martin said.

But nothing could've prepared martin for what she saw in the days after her beloved little sister, Felon Nicole Smith, was killed on the CTA Red Line.

"So immediately I go on Facebook like this can't be true, can't be true and I get hit with a picture of half of my sister's upper torso on the platform,” Martin said.

Images from the 69th Street station are so graphic that we have chosen not to show what appears to have been taken by someone with direct access to the accident scene.

The CTA surveillance video also made its way onto social media, and family want to know what sick individual would post such a thing.

"I want it removed. I want the stuff removed off of social media,” Martin said.

Smith can be seen on surveillance video seemingly talking to a man in red before she jumps down on to the tracks to retrieve her phone. When she is in trouble, though, the man in red does not lend a hand.

"He pointed, told her to go that way. Run towards the ladder,” Martin said.

Martin says what hurts the most is seeing all the people on the platform who could have helped, including two workers in vests.

"We've been taught fire's fire hot. Trains are trains. You don't get on train tracks. We know these things. But a simple act of kindness could have saved her no matter if she made a poor decision or not,” Martin said.

The CTA has opened an investigation, intending to talk to witnesses who were on the platform. They are also trying to identify who posted their surveillance video, and say if it is a worker, that worker will be fired.