Name revealed for new Mexican wolf pup at Brookfield Zoo Chicago

Brookfield Zoo Chicago is asking the public to help name one of its Mexican wolf pups who was born on April 27. (Jim Schulz/Brookfield Zoo Chicago)

A new Mexican wolf pup at Brookfield Zoo Chicago officially has a name! 

Zoo visitors began voting for their favorite of four names for the wolf on the zoo's website on Thursday, June 27. After nearly a week, zoo officials announced the wolf's new name on Wednesday: "Sierra!" 

"Sierra" in Spanish means "mountain range" and the Mexican wolf's historic mountain range includes the Sierra Madre Mountains in Mexico, according to the zoo.  

 Sierra was born April 27 and she is one of nine pups. 

Seven of the pups were transported to New Mexico as part of the Mexican Wolf Recovery Program. Sierra and her sister, Molly, remain at the zoo and can be visited at the Regenstein Wolf Woods. 

Sierra (left) and her sister, Molly, were born at Brookfield Zoo on April 27. The Zoo is asking for the public’s help to name the one pup. (Jim Schulz/Brookfield Zoo Chicago)

You'll also be able to visit their older brother Ahote, who was born last year, and parents 5-year-old Vivilette and 11-year-old Amigo, zoo officials said. 

There were three other options for Sierra's name:  

  • Esperanza — Spanish for "hope"—each new litter of pups brings hope that the species will continue to thrive
  • Alma — Spanish for "soul"—many people have a deep connection with the wolves
  • Kelly — the namesake of natural landmarks where Mexican wolves have been reintroduced

To learn more about the wolves, click here.