8-year-old boy taken from Christmas gathering safe, parents in custody

Enrique Sanchez

The Lake County Sheriff's Office says a kidnapped 8-year-old boy who was taken from a Christmas gathering Friday has been found safely and his parents, who do not have custody, are under arrest.

The boy, Enrique Sanchez, has been in the care of his grandmother since he was one.

His mother, Holly Adcox, was at the same Christmas gathering being held in the 26400 block of Route 83 in Fremont Township, but did not have permission to take Enrique. Authorities say that Enrique’s biological father, Federico Sanchez, 30, and Adcox planned on abducting and fleeing with Enrique. 

The Lake County Sheriff said on Saturday night that Enrique had been located in Clark County, Indiana, and that his parents were being held on charges of kidnapping.

Holly Adcox and Federico Sanchez

NewsMissing PersonsLake County