Leap day baby 'Logan' born at Rush University Medical Center

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CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - The chances of having a leap birthday are one in 1,461. These so called 'leaplings' are rare, and that's because February 29th rolls around once every 4 years.

In Chicago, the city’s newest 'leapling’ is named Logan Carter Rutland.

Born Monday morning at Rush University Medical Center, Logan Carter Rutland has his family 'leaping' for joy.

"Shocked me!" said mother Christina Williams.

Shocking, but not surprising to Logan’s new grandmother Raquel Williams, who saw this coming months ago.

"I said I got a feeling it was going to be a February 29th baby, and sure enough,” Raquel said.

New mom Christina says the Leap Day attention has been a mixed bag of opinions.

"A lot of people were negative, and said 'you should not try to have a baby on Leap Day' … I was like, how am I supposed to not have a baby,” she said.

She makes a good point, so Christina gave birth to little Logan at 7:10 a.m. And after being just hours old, one really important decision had to be made, one that will impact Logan’s life every year.

In non-leap years, when will he celebrate his birthday?

"I'm letting his Dad decide that,” Christina said.

The pressure is on for new dad Edward. Sometimes us dad's need to step up and make tough dad decisions, so what's it going to be dad? 

"March 1st,” he said.

And so it shall be, March 1st.

Dad picked the birthday, but mom picked the name.   

"I love Hugh Jackman,” Christina said.

That’s right, Hugh Jackman, who happens to play a character named 'Logan,’ who is the Wolverine in the X-man movies.

And by the looks of little Logan, it's a perfect fit.

"He looks like Logan, he was born on a special day, he got the hair, the sideburns, like Logan and everything,” Christina said.

And little Logan joins a pretty exclusive club. Of the more than 7 billion people in the world, only 4 million have been born on a leap day.