Marines stop cell phone thief at Westland Mall

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Three marines recruiting at Westland mall were quick on their feet when a woman screamed for help when her cell phone was stolen.

"We just heard the lady scream and someone approached us and said those three males stole something," said Private Alec Berezansky.

Private First Class Blayne Edwards, Berezansky and Private First Class Ryan Delaca took off in a full on sprint, chasing three teenage boys with the woman's cell phone out of the mall.

"Our core values are honor courage and commitment to do the right thing," said Berezansky. "So when an opportunity arises to help someone, we always do that."

They chased the thieves through a busy intersection and all the way to Target.

"They were fast at first but we caught up to them," Delaca said.

"And we asked them, do you really think you can outrun three Marines," Edwards said.

The three marines surrounded the teenagers until police arrived.

"I will say I'm a little surprised we caught up to them in our dress shoes," said Delaca. "They were not happy though. When we caught up to them, they said some words."

The woman was given her cell phone back and police gave the young men their thanks for stepping up and doing the right thing.

"It's a shame that something like this happens so close to Christmas," Delaca said. "I just want everyone to think about what the holidays mean. It's time for everyone to be together and be happy."

A theft that that could've ruined one woman's holiday, is now a story of good will toward strangers, all thanks to the three Marines who saved the day.