Mundelein woman says IRS sent her dead mother-in-law a stimulus check

A woman in Mundelein is one of many Americans reporting that a dead relative has gotten a stimulus check.

Rose Brisske's mother-in-law, Lilli, passed away in December 2018. She was shocked when a coronavirus stimulus check arrived for her in the mail.

Brisske said that Lilli always could find the humor in life, so she posted it on Facebook.

"I thought it was funny, and at least 10 of my friends were like, oh my father passed away in April we got his, my mother in law passed away... at least 10 people," Brisske said.

The Treasury Secretary is advising anyone who has gotten a dead relative's check to return it, but there is nothing in the legislation that says you have to. Some tax advisors are telling families to keep the money. Brisske said her family will not cash the check.

There is no official estimate as to how many of the 90 million checks already mailed have gone to the deceased.