Neiman Marcus, GameStop in Chicago struck by thieves amid protests of Rittenhouse verdict

A mass theft occurred at the Neiman Marcus in downtown Chicago Friday night.

Shortly before that, a smash-and-grab happened on the South Side.

The incidents came as protesters took to the streets following Kyle Rittenhouse's acquittals in Kenosha. Many people demonstrating were upset over the verdict.

Video from the South Side shows SkyFOX over the scene of a GameStop at 87th and Cottage Grove. On the ground, you could see glass and merchandise. Chicago police would not confirm that it was looting.

On the Mag Mile, high-end retailer Neiman Marcus had 15 males storm in and take merchandise. They got away in three separate vehicles.

While the crimes were unfolding, protesters were in the streets of downtown calling for justice after the Rittenhouse trial.


"Terribly upset. This sets a very dangerous precedent because since he’s not guilty on all [five] counts — this man went up there from Illinois to Wisconsin with an AR-15 with the intent to kill," said protester Shabbir Manjee.

At one point, protesters stopped traffic on Michigan Avenue. They believe the verdict was unfair and shows the justice system is not just for all.

"In solidarity with Jacob Blake and his family, in solidarity with the families of Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum — true heroes, they are heroes. They put their lives on the line to protect their fellow protesters from a racist, white supremacist vigilante," one speaker said at a Chicago protest.

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