Why do so many Chicago firefighters report their badges as lost or stolen when they retire?
CHICAGO - The Chicago Office of Inspector General said in a new report that 340 Chicago firefighters reported their badges stolen over a five-year period.
The question is: Why? Were the badges really stolen or were they just lost? Or, were the badges being kept by sentimental retirees who didn't want to give them up?
In a review of records from January 2015 through June 2020, the OIG found that almost 80% of the reported stolen/lost badges – 271 of 340 – were filed by retiring firefighters. Firefighters who are retiring are supposed to give their badges back.
The Inspector General said that possible causes of these missing badges were:
- Firefighters illegally keeping the badges and filing false police reports
- Firefighters misplacing their badges during their period of service, then not reporting them until they were asked to turn them in upon retirement
The Chicago Fire Department said that in response to the investigation, the CFD will require that firefighters report lost/stolen badges within 24 hours; that firefighters who lose a badge pay for a new one; those who do not pay will see their wages garnished and/or face discipline; and retirees will be required to turn in their badge to get a retirement badge.