Skokie ophthalmologist's gift of sight transforms lives worldwide

A suburban ophthalmologist is delivering the gift of sight to developing nations. 

For years, he’s traveled to far-off places to help people see a whole new world.   

"I started with Vietnam, and then I made three trips to Honduras, seven trips to El Salvador, one trip to Panama and my last trip was to Guinea on the western coast of Africa," said Dr. Stuart Sondheimer, a Skokie ophthalmologist. 

He estimates in 15 years, he has helped thousands of blind patients see.  

"There was one gentleman who hadn't seen his son and his grandchildren for many, many years and then after having surgery he could see them again and was just overcome," said Dr. Sondheimer.  "I've gone many places in the world and helped people who otherwise would be blind.  I’ve made friends all over the world.  I’ve seen amazing places and I’m a better person for having done this," he added. 

When on a mission, Dr. Sondheimer covers his travel expenses. Non-profits and healthcare companies donate supplies.   

"In the United States, we do about 90 percent more cataract surgery than they do in developing countries, so there are millions and millions and millions of people that are unnecessarily blind because of cataracts that, with a simple 15-minute procedure, can see well for the rest of their lives," Dr. Sondheimer said.