St. Charles woman faces child porn charges

A suburban woman has been charged with possessing and reproducing child pornography earlier this year.

Rebecca Pappas, 32, was charged with 13 counts of possessing moving depictions of child porn, three counts of reproducing child porn and three counts of posting graphic information on a porn website, all felonies.

Pappas was accused of reproducing and possessing several videos and images containing child porn prior to Aug. 13, according to the Kane County State's Attorney.

Kane County's Child Exploitation Unit led the investigation with assistance from the Illinois Attorney General’s Office and the Internet Crimes Against Children’s Task Force.

A warrant was issued for her arrest and Pappas turned herself in to the Kane County Sheriff's Office on Tuesday.

Her next court appearance is scheduled for Nov. 30. Pappas, of St. Charles, is currently behind held in the Kane County jail.

Rebecca Pappas | Kane County State's Attorney's Office