Texting mix up leads to sweet moment captured following baby birth

We've all been there. Someone texts or calls you from a wrong number. Sometimes, we politely let the person know they have the wrong number, other times, we ignore it. 

When Deorick Williams was looped into a group text message celebrating the birth of a baby boy, he tried to let the group know that they had the wrong number--not to much avail. 

The group eventually apologized for the texting mix-up, but Williams had a better idea. He got the name of the hospital and the room number from the happy couple, and he and his brother Dennis showed up with gifts for the newborn and the family. 

Williams shared screenshots of his conversation to Facebook, and the pictures have since gone viral. 

"You 2 are great guys and thank you for giving to someone you don't know!" a friend of the family posted to Facebook.

Congratulations to the happy couple!