Trump defends executive order; Obama 'fundamentally disagrees'

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President Trump is defending his new executive order, saying it will make America safer by making it harder for terrorists to enter.

His top deputies, though, seem to be re-writing at least some of the new immigration rules that have stirred such a storm of protest. 

The President on Monday did respond to one of those protesting his immigration order, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, who wept while calling Trump's policy unjust.

"I noticed Chuck Schumer yesterday with fake tears. I'm gonna ask him who is his acting coach because I know him very well, I don't see him as a crier,” Trump said.

The President blamed others for chaos at airports from coast to coast, insisting implementation of his ban on visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries was "going nicely."

Not so, said one suburban Republican. Plano's Congressman Randy Hultgren wrote: "Unfortunately, the President's executive order is overly broad... inconsistent and confused...

Trump's initial order called for turning away even people with passports from Great Britain and other close allies, if they also had a passport from one of the seven banned countries. Britain's Foreign Minister quieted outrage there, telling Parliament the White House was backing down and would now admit all passport holders from the United Kingdom.

Boris Johnson added about Trump: “I think any reasonable person would conclude that his bark is considerably worse than his bite.”

Vowing to resist both the bark and bite of President Trump was Illinois' senior senator.

“He wants to recast the image of America. He's in for a fight. There are a lot of people who don't want to see that happen,” said Senator Dick Durbin.

When the Trump White House claimed its temporary ban was merely a retooling of an old Barack Obama policy, that forced the former President Obama to end a self-imposed silence.  A spokesman said Obama "fundamentally disagrees" with Trump's new policy.