Ukulele Kids Club uses artful ukuleles to bring joy and healing to sick children worldwide

The Buffalo Grove Park District's Community Arts Center is full of gorgeous hand-painted ukuleles that are helping sick children across the world through the organization Ukulele Kids Club.

And while these ukuleles are for looks, the group uses special ones to aid children in the recovery process in hospitals.

"The ukuleles that go to them are specially made for UKC with colored strings, so the kids can learn how to play easily, and they also have a safe coating on them, so that it doesn't interfere with anything they're going through," said Cathy Novak, co-chair of Ukulele Kids Club.

The painted ukuleles on display are available for purchase, and for each one sold, two medically fit ukuleles will be sent to hospitals.

There is also a special performance by the Buffalo Grove Singers at the end of this month. For more information about the performance and the ukuleles, click here.