Video shows violent fight, stabbing between students at suburban high school
Video shows violent fight, stabbing between students at suburban high school
Disturbing video out of Waukegan High School shows a violent fight between students.
WAUKEGAN, Ill. - Disturbing video out of Waukegan High School shows a violent fight between students.
One student ended up in the hospital after being stabbed during class. This is the second stabbing at the school in just three months.
The shocking cellphone video was captured inside of a math class at the end of the school day Wednesday.
Waukegan High School’s Brookside campus is home to freshmen and sophomore students. One female student stormed into the classroom and attacked another with a pair of scissors, cutting the student on the head who is seen trying to defend herself in a red jacket.
The teacher can be heard yelling out for help.
Dwayne Springs’ daughter is a sophomore. She did not capture this video, but witnessed the melee.
“There’s been nothing said. You can’t feel educated if you don’t feel safe,” Springs said.
At a special meeting about discipline issues Thursday night, community members sounded off because they were not told what happened until more than 24 hours after the incident.
Police did not get involved until a student showed up injured at a local hospital.
Police say three students were involved in the altercation and not one them has been arrested.
It was just last November when another student was stabbed with a sharp object at the high school’s Washington campus. School officials say it is a handful of students causing the majority of the problems.
The student stabbed Wednesday is recovering.
The school board decided because of the disciplinary issues, school security would be increased.