Villa Park boy, 13, threatened to bring gun to school and 'finish what he started': prosecutors

A 13-year-old boy from Villa Park is facing felony charges after allegedly threatening another boy and his family in a Snapchat video.

Villa Park police said the 13-year-old was in a Snapchat group video Tuesday arguing with another boy when he made statements such as he is going to "bring a gun to school … and going to finish what he started."

The teen also threatened to "spray the house" where the victim's mother lives and go to the YMCA attended by the victim's youngest brother and "get him there," officials said.

The 13-year-old was taken into custody later that day and charged with two counts of disorderly conduct, a Class 4 Felony.


"My office takes any threat of violence directed at a school extremely seriously and anyone suspected of such behavior will be investigated and charged accordingly, regardless of the accused’s age," DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin said in a statement. "Threats are not harmless jokes or an excuse to blow off steam during an argument, they have a chilling effect on the victims, particularly young victims."

The teen's next court appearance is scheduled for Feb. 9.

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