Waukegan city workers cleaned up tombstones defaced with swastikas at Jewish cemetery

Waukegan city workers were spotted Tuesday power washing tombstones at a Jewish cemetery.

The horrific discovery was made early Monday morning at Am Echod Cemetery on Grand Avenue. Waukegan police said red swastikas were spray-painted on at least 16 tombstones. Police said 23 other headstones were defaced.


On one tombstone, a vandal wrote, "Kanye was rite." This comes after the rapper has made headlines in recent weeks for anti-Semitic remarks.

MORE: 'Kanye was rite': Jewish cemetery vandalized with swastikas in suburban Chicago

Police are still searching for the individuals who committed this act.

In a statement, Waukegan Mayor Ann Taylor sayed, "I am deeply disturbed and angered by the hateful imagery found spray-painted on headstones this morning in Am Echod Jewish Cemetery. Hate does not have a home in Waukegan; when such incidents occur, our marginalized neighbors are victimized, and our entire community suffers. I hope our officers promptly locate the perpetrators of this despicable act and hold them accountable, and I offer my full support to those directly impacted by this vandalism."