Woman robbed at gunpoint on Red Line platform, 4 in custody

Three teens are charged with robbing a woman at gunpoint Sunday at the CTA Red Line Roosevelt Stop

A 16-year-old girl and two boys, ages 16 and 13, are each charged with one felony count of armed robbery, Chicago police said.

The teens and a man allegedly confronted the woman about 6:30 p.m. as she sat on the platform of the station in the 1100 block of South State Street, police said. They sat down next to her and two of them pulled out guns and demanded her belongings.


The group boarded a southbound train but police stopped it near 47th Street and took the teens into custody, police said. Charges are still pending against the 29-year-old man.

The teens are expected to appear in court Monday.

Crime and Public SafetyChicago Transit AuthorityNews