Armed 'anarchists' vandalize buildings in Denver, a dozen people arrested

"The anarchists that showed up last night brought weapons to the table. They had guns, they brought explosives, axes, machetes and had one intent purpose and that was to harm our officers that were there to serve in the line of duty to protect our city," said Denver's executive director of public safety.

Weed vending machines pop up in Colorado

Coloradans who are concerned about the coronavirus pandemic can now purchase marijuana through a contactless weed vending machine at certain dispensaries.

Colorado reexamines Elijah McClain's death in police custody

The Colorado governor on Thursday ordered prosecutors to reopen the investigation into the death of Elijah McClain, a 23-year-old Black man put into a chokehold by police who stopped him on the street in suburban Denver last year because he was “being suspicious.”

Colorado restaurant shut down for opening in-person dining

Gov. Jared Polis said Monday that C&C Breakfast and Korean Kitchen “is causing an immediate health hazard,” and its business license will remain suspended until the restaurant is no longer a threat, according to the Associated Press.