Chicago weather: Freezing temps and blue skies over the city today

After four straight days without any sun, it will be nice to have some blue skies today. It will not be nice however unless you are looking at them from indoors or well-bundled up.  

Highs today will only manage the mid to upper 30s at a time of year when mid to upper 40s are normal. Skies will be clear tonight and lows will once again sink deep into the 20s in the city and few degrees colder in some suburbs especially where a few inches of snow still exist.  

It will warm up tomorrow to around 50 degrees except in the aforementioned snow-covered zone far north. 

The California storm today will move into Chicagoland as a rainmaker on Thursday. Highs will once again manage the low 50s.  


Friday, St. Patrick’s Day, starts with a lingering morning shower and temps in the upper 40s followed by a blast of colder air.  Any meaningful precipitation will be long gone before the cold air arrives.  

Saturday it will struggle to climb into the 30s despite some peeks of sun.