Chicago winter warm-up: Tips to beat the cold and lower energy bills as temps drop
Ways to stay warm, save money this winter
Temperatures are going to drop significantly this weekend in Chicago. Here are a few tips to save money and stay warm through this winter blast.
CHICAGO - Temperatures are going to drop significantly this weekend, and we have six ways to help you beat the cold and lower your energy bills.
'Tis the season when the thermostat drops, and the cost of heating rises. Luckily, there are a variety of ways to stay warm this winter that go beyond turning on central heating or throwing some logs in the fireplace.
The first tip: pile on layers, whether it's a cozy blanket or an oversized sweater.
Next, crank up a space heater when you only need to heat where you are and not the entire home.
Weatherization specialists also say you want to keep furnace filters clean because dirty filters reduce airflow, requiring the furnace to work harder and use more energy. Change the filter once a month during the winter.
And don't let the heat escape. Affordable window sealing kits can be found in most stores.
And if possible, improve the insulation of walls, crawl spaces, floors, and heating ducts in a home.
"Just take a dollar bill, and then close the door on it, and if you can pull it out really easy like you can on this, that means there's cold air coming into your house," said Paul Englert, Spire Weatherization Specialist.
Two more tips: first, keep the blinds open during the day to keep the sunlight in and closed at night to keep the cold air out, and run your ceiling fans clockwise.
Here is a bonus: before turning on the furnace, make sure carbon monoxide detectors are working properly. And never use a stove or oven to heat your home. CO2 poisoning is a silent killer.
You can find more winter safety tips and stay up to date on this weekend's winter storm by downloading our free FOX 32 Chicago apps.