3 gold coins dropped off in Salvation Army Red Kettles — one worth nearly $2K in Niles

It's a giving tradition, alive and well.

So far this season, three gold coins have been dropped into the Salvation Army's Red Kettles across the Chicago area. Altogether, the coins are worth $2,406.

Two American Gold Eagles were given in Round Lake.

A South African Krugerrand, which is worth $1,900, was given in Niles a few days ago.

Niles gold coin and Round Lake gold coin | Salvation Army


The Salvation Army says all Red Kettle donations stay local.

"We are so grateful for the contribution of the Lake County residents," said Major Dan Faundez, Officer at The Salvation Army Waukegan Corps Community Center. "Receiving these gold coins means we can now assist those who otherwise would have not received benefits from our paper pantry. We are the only paper pantry in the area providing personal hygiene items, laundry detergent, paper goods among other items."

The Salvation Army’s Red Kettle campaign dates back to 1891 in San Francisco.