After spring snow and cool weather, Chicago area residents enjoying the warmth

With temperatures on Monday about 30 degrees warmer than Sunday, people across the city and suburbs were out enjoying the sunshine while they could.

"Now that the weather's nice, during the pandemic, it's nice to see everyone out and about," said Grace Stafford of Clarendon Hills.

Fuller House bar located on First Street in Hinsdale lived up to its name as table after table was occupied outside.

"Everyone being here and seeing our loyal community happy again here, is just...there's nothing better," said Bobby McNally, a supervisor at Fuller House.


The weather was a recipe for success on re-opening night of the bar's outdoor beer garden, which currently seats about 16 tables.

"We're just trying take advantage of it while we can. Being in Chicago, you never know what's gonna happen," said Cora Byrne.

Tyler Fehser from Des Plaines said it's really nice to be able to get out.

"Especially since we're vaccinated, so we can kind of feel like we can get out on a nice day and take the pup out and have her socialize a little bit as well," he said.

About eight miles away, at Waterfall Glen in Darien, people spent the afternoon soaking up the sun while walking, jogging and biking.

RELATED: Hot, humid Tuesday in store for Chicago, temps could reach mid-80s: forecasters

Natalia Rachford of Indiana welcomes the change in weather.

"We had actually snow a couple of days ago, I mean, I don't know how it was here, but we had snow frost and now it's very warm," she said.

Deanna Dorrance and her family were out taking a walk in Hinsdale on the warm Monday evening. Her young son, David DalCorobbo, is excited for more summer like temps on Tuesday.

"Oh yeah, I am going to be sweating!" he exclaimed.

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