Bailiff is the fastest growing job in Illinois, study finds

(Photo by Scott Varley/Digital First Media/Torrance Daily Breeze via Getty Images)

If you’re looking for a job in the midst of the tight labor market, it helps to know which sectors are growing the most and where.

On Monday, SmartAsset released a report that showed the fastest-growing jobs in each state, as well as Washington, D.C.

The financial institution looked at changes in occupations listed with the Bureau of Labor Statistics over the last 5 years and compared employment data in each state from 2014 with employment data from 2018.

Production jobs are growing the fastest in seven states — the highest number of states to have growth in one industry. Those states include Alabama, Arizona, Indiana, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Wisconsin, though the individual jobs in those industries varied.

In Alabama, those jobs were molding, coremaking and casting machine setters, operators and tenders — which grew 174 percent from 2014 to 2018 — and in Mississippi, those jobs were food batchmakers — which grew 173 percent.

According to SmartAsset, the state with the highest growth in production jobs was Arizona, which grew in machine tool setters, operators and tenders by 503 percent from 2014 to 2018. The analysis also found that Georgia had the highest percentage increase of all the states, with an increase of 686 percent for audio-visual and multimedia collections specialists.

Here's a full list of the fastest growing jobs in all 50 states — and Washington, D.C. — and their job growth percentages, per SmartAsset.

District of Columbia: Transportation attendants, except flight attendants - 550 percent

Alabama: Molding, coremaking and casting machine setters, operators and tenders (metal and plastic) - 174 percent

Alaska: Industrial production managers - 129 percent

Arizona: Multiple machine tool setters, operators and tenders (metal and plastic) - 503 percent

Arkansas: Statisticians - 171 percent

California: Personal care aides - 460 percent

Colorado: Computer and information research scientists - 182 percent

Connecticut: Electrical and electronics repairers (powerhouse, substation and relay) - 130 percent

Delaware: Information security analysts - 142 percent

Florida: Conservation scientists - 386 percent

Georgia: Audio-visual and multimedia collections specialists - 686 percent

Hawaii: Orderlies - 217 percent

Idaho: Graduate teaching assistants - 338 percent

Illinois: Bailiffs - 278 percent

Indiana:  Engine and other machine assemblers - 127 percent

Iowa: Adult basic and secondary education and literacy teachers and instructors - 220 percent

Kansas: Physics teachers (postsecondary) - 175 percent

Kentucky: Camera operators (television, video and motion picture) - 182 percent

Louisiana: Occupational health and safety technicians - 253 percent

Maine: Biochemists and biophysicists - 130 percent

Maryland: Food scientists and technologists - 511 percent

Massachusetts: Traffic technicians - 460 percent

Michigan: Transportation attendants, except flight attendants - 271 percent

Minnesota: Epidemiologists - 188 percent

Mississippi: Food batchmakers - 173 percent 

Missouri: Real estate brokers - 309 percent

Montana: Environmental engineers - 119 percent

Nebraska: Parking lot attendants - 490 percent

Nevada: Psychiatric technicians - 410 percent

New Hampshire: Separating, filtering, clarifying, precipitating and still machine setters, operators and tenders - 188 percent

New Jersey: Aerospace engineers - 384 percent

New Mexico: Occupational health and safety technicians - 260 percent

New York: Financial examiners - 190 percent

North Carolina: Financial examiners - 223 percent

North Dakota: Property, real estate and community association managers - 179 percent

Ohio: Community health workers - 234 percent

Oklahoma: Psychiatric Aides - 455 percent

Oregon: Real estate brokers - 134 percent

Pennsylvania: Bailiffs - 243 percent

Rhode Island: Credit analysts - 270 percent

South Carolina: Occupational health and safety technicians - 185 percent

South Dakota: Software developers (systems software) - 187 percent

Tennessee: Forging machine setters, operators and tenders (metal and plastic) - 283 percent

Texas: Graders and sorters (agricultural products) - 172 percent

Utah: Graduate teaching assistants - 328 percent

Vermont: Mail clerks and mail machine operators, except postal service - 158 percent

Virginia: Actors - 177 percent

Washington: Fashion designers - 317 percent

West Virginia: Civil engineering technicians - 210 percent

Wisconsin: Food and tobacco roasting, baking and drying machine operators and tenders - 458 percent

Wyoming: Insurance claims and policy processing clerks - 146 percent

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