Beverly Hills Turkey Trot raises money for pediatric cancer research
CHICAGO - Beverly Hills in Chicago hosted its 14th Annual Turkey Trot 5K Saturday morning, and the proceeds raised are going toward a good cause.
Saturday's family-friendly run/walk 5K gave participants a chance to work off those Thanksgiving indulgences while also supporting pediatric brain tumor research, Alderman Matt O'Shea said.
"Far too many children across our country are dying at a young age and we don't do enough as a nation to raise dollars for cancer research," O'Shea said.
This cause hits very close to home for the Beverly Hills community. The event honors John McNicholas, a young man who died at age 15 from a brain tumor. The money raised helps the Live Like John foundation.
"This is about a community coming together to fight this insidious disease," O'Shea said.
After the run there was a pancake breakfast to keep the festivities going and bring families together.