Billy Corgan leads heroic effort for youngest victim of Highland Park shooting

Billy Corgan has been a local hero for decades. Now, he's doing it again.

The rocker is leading a heroic effort for the youngest victim of the Highland Park shooting.

He's a rock-n-roll legend known best as the front-man for the iconic Smashing Pumpkins, but in recent years, he's found a new passion: pro wrestling.

Corgan's the owner of the NWA, the oldest brand in the business.

Then, there's Highland Park. Billy's home for the last 20 years and where he raised his kids.

You put them together and you have a rock star putting on a wrestling show to help 8-year-old Cooper Roberts, the youngest victim in the July 4th tragedy.


"We were able to kinda reach out to the family through intermediaries, just to let them know we're here if you need anything, and it came back that Cooper's mom was a fan. So it's this weird thing right – so we had this little bit of a connection, and so we knew that if we reached back out in this particular case, that there might be receptivity there, and I got inspired to help the family,"said Corgan.

HP Cares for Cooper will be held on Saturday, July 8. Tickets are free and donations are encouraged.

The community is still hurting and grieving, but Corgan says out of the tragedy has come a lot of kindness and generosity.

Highland ParkNewsEntertainmentHighland Park Shooting