Blue Island 17-year-old does it all --- and now, she's headed to just about any school she wants

A 17-year-old from south suburban Blue Island is headed to the Ivy Leagues. 

Remember this name: Jaila Mabry.

She is busy.

She doesn't just play the drums, she is also the IHSA 2023 state champion in radio, speaking — and the list goes on.

Mabry is the youngest of four and attends Dwight D. Eisenhower High School. She is third in her class of 415 and works part-time at a fast-food chain.

The 17-year-old received over $300,000 in scholarship money and the awards are still coming in from the growing list of colleges and universities she has applied to. 


However, it's not all business.

The teen says she also loves to hang out with her friends. 

As of now, her top three picks for college are Stanford, Yale and Harvard — in no particular order.

Mabry plans to study International Relations and Journalism.