Carvana glass tower in Skokie hits another roadblock
Carvana glass tower in Skokie hits another roadblock
As of last week, the used car retailer Carvana can once again do business in Illinois, but the village of Skokie is saying not so fast on building a new tower.
SKOKIE, Ill. - As of last week, the used car retailer Carvana can once again do business in Illinois, but the village of Skokie is saying not so fast on building a new tower.
This project was on hold since its business license was revoked, and last year, there was a huge fight over this proposed tower between Carvana and environmentalists who argued it would kill thousands of migratory birds.
Carvana proposed to build one of its signature glass car vending machine towers right next to Harms Woods, which bird advocates say is a super-highway for migratory birds.
Such towers are known to attract birds because of the light but can be deadly because they can't see the glass.
Despite the push-back last year, the village of Skokie approved Carvana's proposal which included some basic bird strike mitigation measures.
However, this past week, Skokie sent a letter to Carvana saying its permit was only valid for six months and has been repealed.
The letter went on to say if the company wants to reapply, it must follow stricter bird strike mitigation regulations which have since been adopted in Skokie.
"The village of Skokie I think has an opportunity to do the right thing this time and to have things in place that will hold Carvana to a higher standard, or to say, 'this really isn't a good fit,'" said Annette Prince of the Chicago Bird Collision Monitors.
Carvana did settle with the Secretary of State's Office to do business again in Illinois.
No word on whether it plans on trying for a second time to move forward with a Skokie tower.