CFD members falsified reports to cover up incident involving supervisor found unconscious: IG Report

An investigation by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) revealed that several Chicago Fire Department (CFD) members took steps to conceal the fact that a CFD assistant deputy chief paramedic was found unconscious behind the wheel of their vehicle in 2022.

Chicago's Inspector General Q4 2024 Report

What we know:

The incident began when a civilian called 911 to report an unconscious driver at a traffic light on May 29, 2022.

When first responders arrived at the scene, CFD personnel identified the driver as an assistant deputy chief paramedic. The supervisor was then transported by a CFD captain-EMT back to the fire station rather than standard protocol being followed.

The IG report found that a firefighter-EMT and firefighter-paramedic falsified a patient care report, stating "no patient found at scene," which they signed at the captain-EMT’s instruction. They also misled the arriving Chicago Police Department (CPD) officers by telling them there was no patient.

When the assistant deputy chief paramedic arrived at the nearby fire station, they fell asleep for about an hour and a half. Their spouse, who is also a CFD member and an assistant deputy chief paramedic, was working that morning but did not report the incident. The couple left together in a car and later discussed the incident.

Additionally, the investigation found that while there was speculation that the assistant deputy chief paramedic may have been intoxicated. OIG was unable to confirm this due to the actions taken by CFD personnel to remove the supervisor from the scene.

What they're saying:

Several CFD members reported the assistant deputy chief paramedic had fallen asleep while driving because of a long work shift and that he was driven back to the fire station as a "professional courtesy." However, some also pointed out that such actions may not be in with CFD policy.

A CFD district chief also said the patient care report that stated "no patient found at scene" may have been written that way as a "professional courtesy" to the supervisor involved.

What's next:

Following the OIG investigation, disciplinary actions were recommended, including discharges and placements on an ineligible-for-rehire list. However, CFD disagreed with some of the findings and did not take full action on all the recommendations.

Instead, they issued one suspension, written and oral reprimands, and provided counseling to other involved members.


The Source: The information in this article came from the Chicago Office of Inspector General Fourth Quarter 2024 Report.
