Chicago-area high school student attends State of the Union address as guest of Jill Biden

First Lady Jill Biden had a special guest at the State of the Union from the Chicago area.

Kate Foley, a sophomore at Rolling Meadows High School was among 26 other people who were able to get a close-up view of President Joe Biden's speech.
She got back Wednesday night. 

FOX 32 caught up with Foley in manufacturing class. The high school student said she left a lasting impression on the first lady when she met her last year.

"It stemmed from what I did in November when the First Lady came to my high school to talk about the Career Pathways. I guess I made an impression on her because she invited me to the State of the Union," Foley said.


Foley also ate dinner at the White House.

Rolling MeadowsNewsJoe Biden