Chicago's historic Studebaker Theater set to reopen in April after multi-million dollar renovation

A comeback is coming for a piece of Chicago history.

It’s the place where Bob Hope once made us laugh, or where Vincent Price sent shivers down our spine, and where Peter O’Toole reminded us of just what acting really was.

History once lived under the roof of Studebaker Theater, and it soon will again.

Jacob Harvey is the Managing Artist Director of the Fine Arts Building, which is the Loop location where the history-filled Studebaker Theater is tucked away.

It’s a place that has housed some of the most legendary names in entertainment: Bob Hope, Vincent Prince, Yul Brynner, Ertha Kitt, Jessica Tandy, and Peter O’Toole. They all once took the stage at the historic Studebaker Theater.

But for now, the celebrities have been replaced with hardworking construction workers because the 600-seat theater is undergoing a multi-million dollar renovation.


While the renovation will bring the theater up to modern technical standards, it’ll also serve as a flashback to an iconic era of Chicago’s theater history.

Construction on the theater is set to wrap up in the spring with first performances scheduled to take to the stage in April.

For Harvey, the renovation isn’t about bringing back celebrities but bringing back the people of Chicago.

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