Opponents worry criminals will slip through the cracks as cash bail in Illinois is officially eliminated
Illinois cash bail eliminated: Opponents worry criminals will slip through the cracks
After months of legal wrangling and political posturing, Illinois has cemented its place as the first state in the country to abolish cash bail. But now comes implementation.
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. - After months of legal wrangling and political posturing, Illinois has cemented its place as the first state in the country to abolish cash bail.
But now comes implementation.
State Senator Robert Peters, one of the sponsors of the controversial SAFE-T Act, spoke Monday during a rally at the Leighton Criminal Courthouse downtown.
"There have been people who have been speaking out throughout this state who seem like they’re hinting that they may not implement this fairly," Peters said.
Critics have long argued that the SAFE-T Act will lead to more criminals committing more crimes. Republican State Senator Terri Bryant says money lost from the elimination of cash bonds will further strain resources in courtrooms statewide, ultimately hurting victims of crime.
"Over a third of convicted sex offender fees go to the Child Advocacy Center Fund, the Violent Crime Victim’s Assistance Fund, the Sexual Assault Services Fund and the Domestic Violence Shelter Fund," she said.
The Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation today stood in support of the SAFE-T Act arguing the new law offers victims more control over their fate.
"Survivors can choose if they want to participate in a risk assessment interview. Something that before they were previously prohibited from doing," said Madeleine Behr, Policy Director.
Judges can still hold detainees they deem a threat until trial while releasing others via electronic monitoring. However, no one can be held based solely on their ability to pay.
"It should not matter what’s in your wallet. What should matter is how you’re able to go home and live your life," said Peters.