CTU accused of intimidation, lack of financial transparency in lawsuit

The Liberty Justice Center filed a lawsuit Tuesday on behalf of four Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) members, demanding that the union release a financial audit after allegedly failing to do so for the past four years.

According to the Liberty Justice Center, the organization sent a demand letter to the union on behalf of several anonymous CTU members, offering the opportunity to comply and avoid litigation.

However, CTU lawyers reportedly requested the plaintiffs' identities to verify their union membership after receiving the letter. 

The lawsuit claims the union then used that information to intimidate members and stifle dissent, instead of addressing its failure to provide financial transparency.

"CTU members deserve to know where their money is going. After four years of silence, it’s time for transparency," said plaintiff Phillip Weiss, who has been a CTU member since 1998. "This lawsuit isn’t just about us—it’s about the more than 25,000 educators across Chicago who rely on the union to uphold its commitments."

FOX 32 reached out to the union for comment and are waiting to hear back.