Dark comedy 'Inferno' — produced at DePaul University — now streaming on Roku

A new series made in Chicago by local students is now streaming on Roku.

The dark comedy — "Inferno" — was produced by DePaul University students in the School of Cinematic Arts.

"It's about divorce lawyers at a pretty unethical firm and a do-gooder who finds himself needing a job at a really terrible place, so the only way out is through," said faculty member Wendy Roderweiss.


The pilot show was created in the university’s "Project Blue Light" program. Professionals and department heads held key roles and students worked as crew members.

Each day on set was a new lesson, with staff answering questions along the way. The show used Chicago actors.

"Inferno" is free through the Roku streaming channel. If enough people stream it, Roku may decide to develop the entire series.