Deadline expires to request mail-in ballot for Illinois primary election

Time's up.

On Thursday, 5 p.m. was the deadline to request your mail-in ballot for next week's election.

But officials in Chicago say it’s better to simply vote early and avoid any possible postal delays.

Ballots must be postmarked by Election Day.


In Chicago, more than 124,000 voters have requested mail-in ballots, but only 25 percent of those have been returned.

"That means there are still 92,539 Vote By Mail ballots that are on people’s tables and kitchen counters at home, waiting to be filled out and sent back in," said Chairwoman Marisel Hernandez, Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. "Come out and vote."

There are 51 early voting sites across the city that are open through Sunday evening.

Election Day is next Tuesday.

2022 Midterm ElectionsIllinois PoliticsChicagoNews