DuPage County State's Attorney advances animal protection with new law
New law in DuPage County protects animals
A new initiative aimed at protecting animals in DuPage County has been signed into law.
DUPAGE COUNTY - A new initiative proposed by the DuPage County State's Attorney that aims to safeguard animals has been signed into law by Gov. JB Pritzker.
The new law empowers law enforcement to remove animals from individuals charged with animal cruelty. It also grants courts the authority to prohibit the offender or anyone living with them from ever owning an animal.
Violators of the law can face up to 90 days in jail and a fine of $2,500.
DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin expressed his satisfaction with the law being enacted.
"Recent cases of animal cruelty in DuPage County did not go far enough to protect the animals during the pendency of the case. I am very pleased that with support from the General Assembly and Governor Pritzker’s signature, we are now able to remove these defenseless animals from their alleged abusers and provide them food, water, medical attention as needed and ultimately find them caring, loving homes."
Additionally, two other initiatives proposed by the DuPage County State's Attorney were signed into law. They both add protections to residents and workers at long-term health care facilities.