Explore nature's bloodsuckers at Field Museum's new exhibit

Vampires, bats, zombies — they're the bloodthirsty creatures you think of this time of year.

But other types of 'bloodsuckers' are the focus of a new exhibit at the Field Museum. It's called 'Bloodsuckers, Legends to Leeches,' and features large-scale models, live animals, and interactive experiences.

Just in time for Halloween, Bloodsuckers gives visitors a glimpse of the diversity, evolution, and interconnected world of nature's vampires.

'Such as leeches, mosquitoes, vampire bats, blood-feeding butterflies, and other creatures you may not have even expected,' said Marie Georg, Senior Exhibition Developer, Field Museum.

Did you know there are 4,500 different species of horseflies in the world? Just another interesting fact you can learn about.

The exhibit opens this Friday at the Field Museum.

Wild NaturePets and AnimalsChicagoHalloweenNews