Family robbed at gunpoint along the Mag Mile in Chicago
Family robbed at gunpoint on Mag Mile
There were three armed robberies Tuesday night, two of which were along the Magnificent Mile.
CHICAGO - Crime can happen anywhere in Chicago, but it has become more and more frequent downtown.
There were three armed robberies Tuesday night, two of which were along the Magnificent Mile. One was at Michigan and Grand, and the other took place at Superior and St. Clair.
The third robbery took place in the South Loop on Cullerton.
At about 10:44 p.m., a family of four was on Grand Avenue when a black vehicle pulled up. Four males got out of the vehicle, three of which had guns.
The suspect then robbed all family members of their wallets and cell phones.
Then, a person near Northwestern Memorial Hospital was robbed by a group of men traveling in a stolen black Honda Civic.
Chicagoans and tourists are now concerned about safety in areas where usually, they would not worry.
The robbers are described as males in their teens or early 20s, wearing all black clothing and masks.
Similar armed robberies have occurred in Old Town and other parts of the South Loop.