Gary mayor says guaranteed income program has been a success

The first Midwest city to launch a guaranteed income program says one year in, and it is paying off.

One-hundred-and-twenty-five Gary families received $500 a month.

On Thursday, the mayor of Gary told FOX 32 Chicago that before the program, only 24 percent of its participants were employed. Now, they all are.


The program was funded by a national guaranteed income program that was started in Stockton, California. Gary chipped in $400,000.

Two thirds of the participants took advantage of free personal finance classes.

"We've heard of one gentleman who was at the celebration today who suggested that he was able to finally attend college and go back to school which enabled him to enhance his present employment status.  He was one of the people who went from part to full time," said Gary Mayor Jerome Prince.

The mayor says the program will continue with a wealth initiative sponsored by the city and its partner agencies. He did not disclose how many people will be eligible.
