GOP's Kinzinger forms new PAC targeting Trump

Some Illinois Republicans say Congressman Adam Kinzinger is making a big mistake with his new Political Action Committee.

Kinzinger hopes to steer the party away from former President Donald Trump.

Congressman Kinzinger's new "Country First" Political Action Committee seeks donations of $25 to $5,000 and up. No matter how much Kinzinger raises, though, some local Republicans think he will soon regret trying to reduce Trump's continuing hold on the party.

"If he just goes on beating that dead horse, I think he's burying himself. And I think he should know better than that," said Republican National Committeeman Richard Porter.

Kinzinger, an Air Force Reserve Pilot, acknowledges the reality of Trump's continued influence, not to mention a $70 million war chest the former president still controls. But Kinzinger says America changed with last month's deadly attack on the US Capitol that he blames on Trump.

"In the last three weeks, we've seen the party turn away and look back towards Donald Trump again and say, ‘This is gonna be Trump's majority.’ And I say this is not the Republican Party I signed up for," Kinzinger told FOX 32’s Good Day Chicago.


And it's not just Trump. Kinzinger says Republicans should also purge Marjorie Taylor Greene, a newly elected representative from Georgia, a Q-Anon follower who has denied school shootings in Sandy Hook and Parkland.

"So I want her out. She's not a Republican. She's a real RINO. And I hope we can just get back to defending truth again," the congressman said.

Kinzinger also called on President Joe Biden to compromise with moderate Republicans who want a much smaller coronavirus relief package.